Site Glossary
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P |
Pressure regulatorThe pressure regulator of an air compressor is a device which controls outlet tool pressure to the hose | |
Pressure relief valveThe pressure relief valve is a safety backup device which relieves excessive tank pressure over a certain PSI in the case of equipment failure | |
PrimerPrimer is a prep coat for raw surfaces that acts as an adhesive layer for the paint. Primers can also work as fillers and surface sealers and always need a top finish coat applied | |
Pry barA pry bar is a small
flat tool for separating boards and removing nails | |
PSIPSI or Pounds per Square Inch is a unit used to measure air pressure where the pressure is measured against a 1” x 1” portion of the tank’s container wall | |
Pull measurementA pull measurement is made by placing the blade hook on an edge, extended the blade from the case and taking a measurement under tension | |
Pull strokeThe pull stroke is an upward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = shortest depth of cut | |
Push measurementA push measurement is made by pressing the hook end of the blade into an object, extending the blade, and using standout of the blade to take an accurate measurement | |
Push stickA push stick is a table saw safety accessory that keeps helps guide material through a cut while keeping the user’s hands at a safe distance from the blade | |
Push strokeThe push stroke is the downward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = longest depth of cut | |