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The plunger is the part of a caulk gun that applies pressure to the end of the caulk tube


Pneumatic is a term used to describe tools operated by air or gas under pressure.


Polyester is a bristle material suited for latex paint application that is firmer than nylon but less absorbent and harder to clean


Polyurethane is a tough clear finish coat that can be oil or water based which is more resistant to water, solvents, abrasion, and impacts than traditional varnish


Potable is a term used for water that is suitable for drinking

Power rating

A power rating for a caulk gun is the number given related to the mechanical advantage built into the tool. Typically expressed as a ratio ex – (1:10 )


PPE isPersonal Protective Equipment that includes special safety-related gear designed to prevent a specific type of injury to the user


Predrilling is the process of making a pilot hole before driving a fastener


Prep or “prepping” is the process of making a surface or area ready for painting

Pressure gauge

A pressure gauge is a device with a dial and a needle which visually indicates tank and air outlet pressure – usually in PSI

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