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P |
Paint trayA paint tray is a special container to help load a roller with paint for application | |
Paint Tray WellThe Paint Tray Well is the deep end of a paint tray that holds the bulk of the paint. | |
Painter's tapePainter’s tape is special tape used for masking that offers extended-release time | |
Palm nailerA palm nailer is a pneumatic tool used for easier nailing in confined spaces and driving various single nails with heads | |
Pancake compressorA pancake compressor is a small, flattened, cylindrical type of portable compressor. | |
PaneA pane isa separate defined glass area of a window | |
Panel breakA panel break is where the outside edge of a sheet good material will land on framing when the stud layout is correct. Panel breaks on layout usually fall on the centerline of a stud | |
ParallelParallel is a term used to describetwo side by side lines that run the same direction and are exactly the same distance apart everywhere | |
ParticulateParticulate is very small airborne particles | |
PASSPASSis an acronym that stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep -a helpful way to remember method for effectively using a fire extinguisher | |
PennyPenny is a term used to describe variousnail
sizing that grows in numbers as the nail size increases | |
PermanencePermanence is the state or quality of lasting | |
PerpendicularPerpendicular is two lines, planes or surfaces that meet at a right angle or 90 degrees to each other | |
PEXPEX or Crosslinked Polyethylene tubing is a flexible plastic water supply line that is uses special slip in fittings and bands or rings to seal | |
PhillipsA Phillips is a cross-shaped driver type that has a self-centering design | |
Phosphate coatedPhosphate coated fasteners offer minimal corrosion protection for fasteners that appears as a dull black finish – not acceptable for exterior use or long term exposure to moisture | |
PigmentPigment is a paint component that determines the color of the finished surface. Often made of ground metal compounds like “iron or titanium oxide” | |
PilePile is the fibers attached to a roller cover. Another term for “nap” | |
Pilot holeA pilot hole is a hole bored that is the size of a screw shank for easier driving of a fastener. See Predrilling | |
Pin nailerA pin nailer is an pneumatic tool for driving 23 gauge collated pins | |
Pipe joint compoundPipe joint compound is a thick paste applied to pipe threads to create a water-tight seal at threaded joints. Sometimes call pipe dope | |
Pipe strapPipe strap isspecial hardware used to secure plumbing lines to framing | |
Pivot arm lockThe pivot arm lock is apin that locks the pivot arm, motor, and blade assembly down into a compact and closed position on a miter saw | |
Pivot pointA pivot point is the location where the fence meets the ruler edge on a speed square. The tool is rotated on this point for measuring angles | |
Pivoting feetThe pivoting feet of a ladder grip different types of ground and allow for minor corrections to make the ladder stable even when it is on not perfectly flat surfaces | |
Plan viewPlan view is a view of a building from directly above. Also called aerial view or bird’s eye view. | |
PlasticizerA plasticizer is a paint additive that promotes better flexibility of the film coat | |
PlumbPlumb is the condition of being perfectly vertical relative to the earth’s gravity | |
Plumb bobA plumb bob is aheavy pointed object attached to the end of a string that hangs straight down to determine a perfectly vertical or plumb line | |
Plunge cutA plunge cut is the act of lowering a blade through a material’s surface with no outside edge to start with | |
PlungerThe plunger is the part
of a caulk gun that applies pressure to the end of the caulk tube | |
PneumaticPneumatic is a term used to describe tools operated by air or gas under pressure. | |
PolyesterPolyester is a bristle material suited for latex paint application that is firmer than nylon but less absorbent and harder to clean | |
PolyurethanePolyurethane is a tough clear finish coat that can be oil or water based which is more resistant to water, solvents, abrasion, and impacts than traditional varnish | |
PotablePotable is a term used for water that is suitable for drinking | |
Power ratingA power rating for a
caulk gun is the number given related to the mechanical advantage built into
the tool. Typically expressed as a ratio ex – (1:10 ) | |
PPEPPE isPersonal Protective Equipment that includes special safety-related gear designed to prevent a specific type of injury to the user | |
PredrillingPredrilling is the process of making a pilot hole before driving
a fastener | |
PrepPrep or “prepping” is the process of making a surface or area ready for painting | |
Pressure gaugeA pressure gauge is a device with a dial and a needle which visually indicates tank and air outlet pressure – usually in PSI | |
Pressure regulatorThe pressure regulator of an air compressor is a device which controls outlet tool pressure to the hose | |
Pressure relief valveThe pressure relief valve is a safety backup device which relieves excessive tank pressure over a certain PSI in the case of equipment failure | |
PrimerPrimer is a prep coat for raw surfaces that acts as an adhesive layer for the paint. Primers can also work as fillers and surface sealers and always need a top finish coat applied | |
Pry barA pry bar is a small
flat tool for separating boards and removing nails | |
PSIPSI or Pounds per Square Inch is a unit used to measure air pressure where the pressure is measured against a 1” x 1” portion of the tank’s container wall | |
Pull measurementA pull measurement is made by placing the blade hook on an edge, extended the blade from the case and taking a measurement under tension | |
Pull strokeThe pull stroke is an upward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = shortest depth of cut | |
Push measurementA push measurement is made by pressing the hook end of the blade into an object, extending the blade, and using standout of the blade to take an accurate measurement | |
Push stickA push stick is a table saw safety accessory that keeps helps guide material through a cut while keeping the user’s hands at a safe distance from the blade | |
Push strokeThe push stroke is the downward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = longest depth of cut | |
PushrodThe pushrod is the part of a caulk gun that connects the plunger head to the trigger; also is used to open the plunger fully for easy loading | |
PVCPVC is a white plastic pipe used for supply lines and also drain, waste and vent pipes. | |
PVC cementPVC cement is a chemical solvent-based glue used to weld PVC pipe and fittings together | |
PVC primerPVC primer is a solvent-basedchemical used to clean and soften plastic pipe and fittings before the glue is applied. Typically purple in color | |