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O |
O-ringAn O-ring is a rubber washer that is round in profile instead of flat. Used in valve stems and push-on fittings to create a watertight seal | |
O.C.O.C. or on center is even spacing of studs in a wall or other parts in a ceiling or floor by measuring to the center of each component. | |
ODOD orOutside Diameter is the outside dimension of a round pipe or tube | |
Oil-basedOil-based paint is a category of paint that includes Alkyds and Enamels and uses oil as a liquid carrier instead of water. Also requires chemical solvents for cleanup | |
On centerOn center refers to the process of placing studs or other framing members centered on a specific repeated spacing in a wall (like 12”,16”, 24”). Sometimes expressed as "O.C." | |
ON/off switchThe on/off switch is an electric switch that supplies current to the automatic shutoff stage of a compressor | |
Orbital sanderAn orbital sander is a tool that uses very small vibrating circular motions to slowly remove material | |
Organic vaporsOrganic vapors are liquids that evaporate quickly in a gas and are usually petroleum-based (ex – acetone, paint, gasoline) | |
OSBOSB stands for Oriented Strand Board which is a Panel made from stranded
wood products bound together with glue under high pressure | |