Site Glossary
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D |
DefoamerA defoamer
is a specially formulated additive to break down and release bubbles suspended in paint | |
Deformed shank nailA deformed shank nail is a fastener with raised ridges on its shank that offer better holding power than smooth shank nails | |
Dermal absorptionDermal absorptionis the transport of a chemical from the outer surface of the skin through the skin and into the body | |
DimensionA dimension is a measurable distance of some kind, such as length, width, depth, or height. | |
DimpleA dimple is an indented spot that is lower than the surface level ready for filling (see burnish) | |
Direct-drive sawA direct-drive saw
is a type of circular sawwhere the blade is directly connected to the shaft
of the saw motor. Sometimes referred to as a “sidewinder” | |
Double bevel compound miter sawA double bevel compound miter saw is a compound miter saw with a bevel angle adjustment in two directions (left or right) | |
Double pole switchA double pole switch is a disconnect device that controls two circuits | |
Double top plateA double top plate is the combination of the top plate and the cap plate used to produce a stronger upper wall edge for a loadbearing wall | |