Site Glossary
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B |
Back rollingBack rolling is the process of applying a roller over a brushed or
sprayed area to add a uniform texture | |
Backer rodBacker
rod is a foam strip used to fill larger cracks prior to caulking | |
BaseThe base section is the fixedladder section that does not move on an extension ladder. It remains planted to the ground and supports the fly section | |
Base plateThe base plate of a saw is a flat saw surface that makes contact with the material being cut and helps keeps the tool under control | |
BasinA basin is a bowl for washing which is typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply and a drain line for removing wastewater | |
Battery packA battery pack is a portable and rechargeable power source for cordless tools | |
BeadA bead is a line of caulk applied to a joint or seam | |
Belt clipThe belt clip is a convenient hook for storing a tape measure | |
Belt sanderA belt sander is an aggressive sanding tool that turns a continuous abrasive belt for use on large flat surfaces | |
BendA bend is a measurement method for two inside corners – not as accurate as other methods | |
BevelA bevel is a type of cut where the blade is tilted left or right from a standard vertical postition. | |
Bevel adjustment leverThe bevel adjustment lever is a locking lever adjustment that allows the base plate of a saw to tilt side to side for making angled bevel cuts | |
BindingBinding is ahazardous condition when cutting unsupported materials where pinching occurs at the blade causing it to not move freely during a cut | |
BladeThe blade is along steel strip wound into the tape measure case marked with measured units; A blade is a simple flat metal edge tool with a handle used to apply spackle and level out surface defects. Also called a spackle knife | |
Blade clampA blade clamp is a feature that holds the blade firmly in the saw. | |
Blade depth adjustment leverThe
blade depth adjustment lever is a locking lever on a saw that allows the base
plate to be raised and lowered to expose more (or less) of the blade for
cutting materials of different thickness | |
Blade guardThe blade guard is a safety feature of a saw that covers the spinning blade when not in use and moves out of the way as material is passed through it | |
Blade height adjustmentThe blade height adjustment of a table saw uses a wheel to raise and lower the blade relative to the table surface to cut through different material thicknesses | |
Blade lockThe blade lock is a built in hands-free feature used to hold the blade while extended | |
Blade pressedTo
blade pressed is to applymasking tape with pressure from a 5 in 1 tool
to better seal the tape edge | |
BleedBleed is a painting defect where paint leaks behind the tape edge producing a less than perfect paint line | |
BlockingBlocking is short horizontal boards nailed in between stud bays for added wall strength, material support, or fire control | |
BoringBoring is the process of a drill spinning a drill bit to form a hole in a material | |
Bottom crippleA Bottom Crippleis a short partial stud placed below the sill in a window rough
opening | |
Bottom plateA Bottom plate is the lower continuous wall framing component that holds the studs in place at the floor. Also referred to as a sole plate or a shoe plate | |
BowA bow is a curve to the right or left traveling the long direction of
the board as seen while sighting a board with its edge up | |
Box headerA box header is a type of header that creates a hollow void in its center with the use of layered materials on the front and back face | |
Box levelA box level is alarger and longer style of level. 2’, 3’,4’,6’ are common lengths | |
Brad nailerAbrad nailer is a type of nailer for driving 18 gauge nails | |
BristlesBristles are thin strands of different materials that make up the brush head and allow it to absorb and transfer paint | |
BrushA brush is a painter’s precision hand tool for applying
paint | |
Brush combAbrush combis a painter’s tool for thorough brush cleaning | |
Brush headThe brush head is the working area of the brush made of multiple bristles or filaments that carries and distributes the paint | |
Brush spinnerA brush spinner is a painter’s tool for proper brush care and water removal | |
Bubble levelA bubble level is a device that can measure the condition of plumb or level using a small vial filled with oil and a floatingbubble for reference | |
Burn an inchTo burn an inch means to shift a tape measure over for a more accurate method of measuring. The measurement starts at 1 inch or 10 inches and expects the user to subtract that amount at the end for the true dimension | |
burnish is to dimple or lower a high spot on a surface by pushing with the end
of a spackle knife | |
Butt wallA butt wall is a shortened wall in a corner connection
that terminates into a through wall. This type of wall helps to define the
inside corner of the room or building | |