Site Glossary
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B |
Belt clipThe belt clip is a convenient hook for storing a tape measure | |
Belt sanderA belt sander is an aggressive sanding tool that turns a continuous abrasive belt for use on large flat surfaces | |
BendA bend is a measurement method for two inside corners – not as accurate as other methods | |
BevelA bevel is a type of cut where the blade is tilted left or right from a standard vertical postition. | |
Bevel adjustment leverThe bevel adjustment lever is a locking lever adjustment that allows the base plate of a saw to tilt side to side for making angled bevel cuts | |
BindingBinding is ahazardous condition when cutting unsupported materials where pinching occurs at the blade causing it to not move freely during a cut | |
BladeThe blade is along steel strip wound into the tape measure case marked with measured units; A blade is a simple flat metal edge tool with a handle used to apply spackle and level out surface defects. Also called a spackle knife | |
Blade clampA blade clamp is a feature that holds the blade firmly in the saw. | |
Blade depth adjustment leverThe
blade depth adjustment lever is a locking lever on a saw that allows the base
plate to be raised and lowered to expose more (or less) of the blade for
cutting materials of different thickness | |