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Random orbital sander

A random orbital sander is a tool that adds a slow spinning motion of an abrasive disc together with an orbital motion for better finishing

Reverse switch

The reverse switch of a drill changes the rotational direction of the motor and the chuck.

Ring shank

Ring shank nails have a shank style that adds extra grip with raised ridges along its length

Rubber mallet

A rubber mallet is a specialty soft faced hammer designed to protect a surface 


A screwdriver is a hand-held tool to install or remove screws and threaded fasteners

Secondary grip

The secondary grip is the location where the support hand holds the tool during operation.


The shank of a fastener includes the shaft of a nail or screw not including the threads, head, or point

Short stroke

A short-stroke is the fully retracted position of the saw blade as it reciprocates


To sight a board is to view it from one end to determine its straightness or specific defects

Single bevel compound miter saw

A single bevel compound miter saw is a saw with a bevel angle adjustment in one direction only (typically to the left as you are facing the front of the saw)

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