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The handle is the hammer component connecting the grip to hammer head.


The head of a hammer is the entire metal component made up of the hammer face, neck, cheek and claw.

Hot dipped

Hot dipped is afastener coating process where the item is covered with molten zinc for extra corrosion protection


An impact is a repetitive force or strike that mimics the action of a hammer

Impact driver

An impact driver is a drill type that delivers a constant forward and rotational force to assist in driving a fastener


A knot is a tough, usually dark spot in a board where a tree limb once was.

Linesman pliers

Linesman pliers are a wide tipped gripping tool for cutting and twisting wire

Lumber grade

A lumber grade is a rating scale for lumber used to judge lumber based on appearance and strength (1 to 4 and A to D)


The neck of a hammer is the area connecting the hammer face to the cheek.

Needle nose pliers

Needle nose pliers are a fine-tipped gripping tool with adjustable jaws

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