Site Glossary
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FaceThe face is the smooth or waffled surface of a hammer that strikes a nail. | |
Face grainFace grain is the the pattern of wood grain as seen from the face of the board | |
Fine threadFine threads on a screw havehigher threads per inch for slower driving of screws and more grip in materials like sheet metal | |
Finish hammerA finish hammer is a
medium-sized hammer with a flat face for detail fasteners | |
Framing hammerA framing hammer is a larger hammer with a waffle face for driving larger nails into lumber | |
Framing squareA framing square is a large measuring tool used to identify 90 degrees and other angles | |
is resistance that one surface encounters when moving over another which
creates heat | |
GalvanizedGalvanized is a term to describe thin Zinc plating applied to steel to resist corrosion when exposed to moisture | |
Hammer drillA hammer drill is a special drill that delivers a rapid succession of forward blows while turning the bit simultaneously. Used for drilling masonry, tile, or stone | |