Site Glossary
All categories |
5 in 1 toolA 5 in 1 is amultifunction hand tool often used for scraping | |
AbrasiveAbrasive is different grades of rough grit applied to a paper backing to remove material when sanding. Abrasives range from coarse to fine
and have numbers to indicate their roughness with lower numbers meaning coarser
grits and higher numbers meaning finer | |
Adjustable wrenchAn adjustable wrench is a tool for tightening hex nuts and bolts of various sizes | |
AxisAn axis is a fixed reference line often for a measurement | |
Battery packA battery pack is a portable and rechargeable power source for cordless tools | |
Belt sanderA belt sander is an aggressive sanding tool that turns a continuous abrasive belt for use on large flat surfaces | |
BoringBoring is the process of a drill spinning a drill bit to form a hole in a material | |
BowA bow is a curve to the right or left traveling the long direction of
the board as seen while sighting a board with its edge up | |
Cat's pawA cat’s paw is a sharp ended prying tool for digging out and removing flushed or inset fasteners | |
Chalk lineA chalk line is a speed marking tool for making long straight lines | |
Charging stationA charging station is anElectrical device for recharging the battery pack used for cordless tools | |
CheckA check is a crack in the wood that does not penetrate all the way
through the depth of the board. | |
CheekThe cheek is the side of the hammer that connects the head and claw to the handle. | |
ChiselA chisel is a sharp ended wood cutting tool often used with a hammer or mallet | |
ChuckA chuck is a Specialized type of clamp with jaws that open and close used to hold a drill bit or driver bit in place in a drill | |
ClawThe claw is a ‘V’ shaped component made to fit around a nail shank and catch on the nail head for removal of the fastener | |
ClutchA clutch is an adjustable feature on a drill allowing the motor to engage and release from the chuck at a specific torque | |
Coarse threadCoarse threads have fewer threads per inch for faster driving of screws and more bite in materials like wood | |
CoatedA Coating is a thin covering for a fastener that adds performance to it (ex. Weather resistance, more holding power, etc.) | |
Cordless drillA cordless drill is a battery-powered handheld tool for boring holes and driving fasteners | |
CountersinkTo countersink a fastener is to set the head of the screw or nail below the surface of a material when driving it | |
CrookA crook is abend or curve traveling the long direction of the board as seen while sighting its face. Sometimes referred to as the crown of the board | |
CrowbarA crowbar is a large steel prying tool used for leverage | |
CrownA crown is abend or curve traveling the long direction of the board as seen while sighting its face. Sometimes referred to as the crook of the board | |
EdgeA board edge is the narrowest side of any board | |
Edge grainEdge grain is the grain pattern of the wood as seen from the side of the
board | |
Electric drillAn electric drill is anelectric powered handheld tool for boring holes and driving fasteners with more torque than a cordless drill | |
End grainThe end grain of a board is the grain pattern of the wood as seen from
either cross-cut end | |
Epoxy coatedEpoxy coated is a hardened paint coating meant as corrosion protection for exterior screws – usually applied over zinc electroplate | |
FaceThe face is the smooth or waffled surface of a hammer that strikes a nail. | |
Face grainFace grain is the the pattern of wood grain as seen from the face of the board | |
Fine threadFine threads on a screw havehigher threads per inch for slower driving of screws and more grip in materials like sheet metal | |
Finish hammerA finish hammer is a
medium-sized hammer with a flat face for detail fasteners | |
Framing hammerA framing hammer is a larger hammer with a waffle face for driving larger nails into lumber | |
Framing squareA framing square is a large measuring tool used to identify 90 degrees and other angles | |
is resistance that one surface encounters when moving over another which
creates heat | |
GalvanizedGalvanized is a term to describe thin Zinc plating applied to steel to resist corrosion when exposed to moisture | |
GrainThe grain of wood is the pattern of the tree growth rings as they show in a milled piece of lumber. Wood grain affects the strength of wood and follows the cellular structure of the tree which always runs the length of a cut lumber board. | |
Hammer drillA hammer drill is a special drill that delivers a rapid succession of forward blows while turning the bit simultaneously. Used for drilling masonry, tile, or stone | |
HandleThe handle is the hammer component connecting the grip to hammer head. | |
HeadThe head of a hammer is the entire metal component made up of the hammer
face, neck, cheek and claw. | |
Hot dippedHot dipped is afastener coating process where the item is covered with molten zinc for extra corrosion protection | |
ImpactAn impact is a repetitive force or strike that mimics the action of a hammer | |
Impact driverAn impact driver is a drill type that delivers a constant forward and rotational force to assist in driving a fastener | |
KnotA knot is a tough, usually dark spot in a board where a tree limb once
was. | |
Linesman pliersLinesman pliers are a
wide tipped gripping tool for cutting and twisting wire | |
Lumber gradeA lumber grade is a rating scale for lumber used to judge lumber based on appearance and strength (1 to 4 and A to D) | |
NeckThe neck of a hammer is the area connecting the hammer face to the cheek. | |
Needle nose pliersNeedle nose pliers are a fine-tipped gripping tool with adjustable jaws | |
Nominal dimensionA nominal dimension is one existing in name only and not matching the material’s actual measurements | |
Orbital sanderAn orbital sander is a tool that uses very small vibrating circular motions to slowly remove material | |
OSBOSB stands for Oriented Strand Board which is a Panel made from stranded
wood products bound together with glue under high pressure | |
Oscillating multitoolAn oscillating multitool is a vibrating detail cutting tool for making fine cuts in various materials | |
PennyPenny is a term used to describe variousnail
sizing that grows in numbers as the nail size increases | |
PhillipsA Phillips is a cross-shaped driver type that has a self-centering design | |
Phosphate coatedPhosphate coated fasteners offer minimal corrosion protection for fasteners that appears as a dull black finish – not acceptable for exterior use or long term exposure to moisture | |
Pilot holeA pilot hole is a hole bored that is the size of a screw shank for easier driving of a fastener. See Predrilling | |
PredrillingPredrilling is the process of making a pilot hole before driving
a fastener | |
Pry barA pry bar is a small
flat tool for separating boards and removing nails | |
Random orbital sanderA random orbital sander is a tool that adds a slow spinning
motion of an abrasive disc together with an orbital motion for better finishing | |
Reverse switchThe reverse switch of a drill changes the rotational direction of the motor and the chuck. | |
Ring shankRing shank nails have a shank style that adds extra grip with raised ridges along its length | |
Rubber malletA rubber mallet is a specialty soft faced hammer designed to protect a surface | |
ScrewdriverA screwdriver is a hand-held tool to install or remove screws and threaded fasteners | |
Secondary gripThe
secondary grip is the location where the support hand holds the tool during
operation. | |
ShankThe shank of a fastener includes the shaft of a nail or screw not including the threads, head, or point | |
Short strokeA short-stroke is the fully retracted position of the saw blade as it reciprocates | |
SightTo sight a board is to view it from one end to determine its
straightness or specific defects | |
Single bevel compound miter sawA single bevel compound miter saw is a saw with a bevel angle adjustment in one direction only (typically to the left as you are facing the front of the saw) | |
SledgehammerA sledgehammer is a larger heavier hammer used for forceful blows like demolition work | |
Slide compound miter sawA sliding compound miter saw is a compoundmiter saw with an added sliding action of the blade and motor for cross-cutting larger materials | |
Slip joint pliersSlip joint pliers are a medium-sized gripping tool with adjustable jaws | |
Speed select switchThe speed select switch of a drill allows foradjustment of the maximum motor speed. Typical settings are a lower number for a slower top speed and a higher number for faster top speed | |
Speed squareA speed square is a
small measuring tool used to mark square and angled lines on lumber | |
Spiral shank nailsSpiral shank nails have raised ridges along
their length that works like screw threads for more grip in materials | |
Stainless steelStainless steel is a naturally corrosion-resistant material used for fasteners and hardware requiring extra protection in high corrosion environments | |
Tape measureA tape measure is a compact measuring tool with a steel blade and markings | |
TJI is a Truss Joist I beam which is an engineered beam
with an “I” shaped profile made with a top and bottom web and flanges commonly
used for floor structure | |
TorqueTorque is a rotational twisting force | |
TorxA Torx is a star-shaped driver type that is self-centering
and less prone to stripping out at the head if driven slightly off-axis | |
Truss headTruss head screws are special screws that have a wider head than normal to offer better holding power for thin sheet materials | |
TwistTwist is awarp in which the board rotates slightly from one end to the other | |
Utility knifeA utility knife is a retractable general-purpose razor cutting tool | |
Variable speed triggerA variable speed trigger is a trigger control in which more pressure increases motor speed progressively faster. | |
Vice gripsVice grips are a locking type gripping tool with a superior holding strength | |
Waffle faceA waffle face is a textured or raised grid pattern on a framing hammer face for better traction when striking a nail head. | |
WaneWane is a missing corner of a board’s square milled edge as a result of cutting the board from a location in the log that was too close to the outer tree perimeter
| |
ZincZinc is asoft silver colored metal used for protection of fasteners applied as a coating or plating | |
AFCIAn Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter or AFCI is a specialelectrical safety device in the form of an outlet or breaker that shuts the power down when arcing conditions are detected | |
AmperageAmperage is the volume
of current flow through a circuit | |
ArcingArcing is the jumping of current over an air gap caused by poor or damaged electrical connections in
a circuit that can become an electrical fire hazard | |
CableCableis a jacketed bundle of individually insulated conductors like Romex | |
Circuit breakerA circuit breaker is a special switch installed in the load center for each branch circuit that disconnects power if too much amperage flow is detected | |
ConductorA conductor is asingle wire that conducts electricity from one connection to another in a circuit | |
ConduitA conduit is a metal or plastic tube used to protect conductors from weather and abrasion that are not concealed within the walls, floor, or ceiling of a structure | |
ContinuityContinuity is a continuous
electrical path that allows unrestricted flow of current | |
Double pole switchA double pole switch is a disconnect device that controls two circuits | |
GangA gang iswidth of a junction box that holds one electrical device like a switch or outlet | |
GFCIA Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter or GFCIis a shock prevention device that shuts off power if an imbalance of current flow is detected between the line and neutral wires | |
Ground wireA ground wire is a safety conductor in a circuit identified by a bare copper or green colored insulated wire that can carry rogue current to earth in an emergency | |
Junction boxA junction box is a plastic or metal enclosure that houses outlets, switches, wire ends, and connections for user and fire safety purposes | |
LineA line is a conductor used to feed electricity to a circuit. This part of the circuit is usually identified by conductors with black or red insulation color and gold colored terminals on devices | |
Load centerA load center is ametal enclosure that holds main supply wires, the main disconnect, and individual branch circuit wires and circuit breakers | |
NeutralA neutral wire is a conductor used to complete a circuit and carry current back to the original power source. This part of the circuit is usually identified by conductors with white-colored insulation and silver terminals at devices | |
NMNM or"Non-Metallic" is a term used to describe a (plastic) jacketed multi-conductor cable. Color-coded for gauge sizes commonly used in concealed spaces like walls floors and ceilings. Often Called Romex | |
RomexRomex is a term used to
describe a (plastic) jacketed multi-conductor cable. Color-coded for gauge
sizes commonly used in concealed spaces like walls floors and ceilings. | |
Service wiresService wires are large wires that supply power to the load center from the meter | |
Single pole switchA single pole switch is adisconnect device that controls one circuit | |
Solid wireSolid wire is one single strand of material used as a conductor | |
Stranded wireA stranded wire is a single conductor made of several smaller strands of wire bundledtogether.This wire type is more flexible than solid wire | |
StrapStrap is special hardware used to secure conduit to a surface. Comes in one hole or two hole design | |
TerminalA terminal is a screw or clamp connection on an electrical device that secures a wire end | |
Wire gaugeWire gauge is a measurement of the thickness of a conductor. Lower numbers indicate thicker wire | |
Wire nutA wire nut is a device for securing two or more wire ends together and while insulating the bare ends from arcing or electrical shock | |
Wire stapleA wire staple is a simple fastener for securing Romex wire to framing | |
BlockingBlocking is short horizontal boards nailed in between stud bays for added wall strength, material support, or fire control | |
Bottom crippleA Bottom Crippleis a short partial stud placed below the sill in a window rough
opening | |
Bottom plateA Bottom plate is the lower continuous wall framing component that holds the studs in place at the floor. Also referred to as a sole plate or a shoe plate | |
Box headerA box header is a type of header that creates a hollow void in its center with the use of layered materials on the front and back face | |
Butt wallA butt wall is a shortened wall in a corner connection
that terminates into a through wall. This type of wall helps to define the
inside corner of the room or building | |
California cornerA California corner is an energy efficient 3 stud corner design with an accessible void for insulating | |
Cap plateA cap plate is an upper continuous wall framing component that rests on top of the top plate. The top layer of a double top plate | |
Common studA common stud is a full-length vertical framing component placed on layout at regular intervals between the top and bottom plates. Common studs are always identical lengths in a wall panel. | |
Cripple studA cripple stud is a partial length stud found under a window sill or over a header added to maintain the proper layout across a wall opening | |
Deformed shank nailA deformed shank nail is a fastener with raised ridges on its shank that offer better holding power than smooth shank nails | |
Double top plateA double top plate is the combination of the top plate and the cap plate used to produce a stronger upper wall edge for a loadbearing wall | |
Drop headerA drop header is a header placed just above a rough opening. Top cripples are used to carry the load from the top plate down to the drop header. | |
End studAn end stud is a vertical full length framing component placed at each end of the top and bottom plates that defines the length of the wall | |
Energy efficient framingEnergy efficient framing is a framing method using fewer framing components with the goal of eliminating unnecessary framing materials and creating fewer points of thermal bridging within the structure. The result is less energy needed to heat and cool a building | |
Fire blockingFire blocking is blocking placed between two studs with the purpose of sealing the stud bay and preventing vertical airflow within the wall cavity | |
Four stud cornerA four stud corner is a framing assembly that uses full studs and blocking to create a 90-degree wall connection with the inside corner nailer for drywall. Not considered energy efficient | |
FramingFraming is theinner support structure of a
building made of dimensional and engineered lumber assembled per a set of plans
with specific rules and regular spacing | |
HeaderA header is an overhead beam used to carry and distribute weight above and around a rough opening | |
High headerA high header is placed in full contact with the underside of the top plate and no top cripples. This configuration often requires additional non-structural framing below to define the top edge of the rough opening. | |
Jack studA Jack stud is a partial-length stud that serves as a stilt or brace underneath each end of a header. Installed in pairs and fastened to the king studs, these define the left and right inside dimensions of the rough opening. Also referred to as a trimmer stud | |
King studA king stud is the last full stud on each side of a rough opening. It helps hold the rough opening assembly parts together and connect them to the top and bottom plates. | |
Ladder blockingLadder blocking is a series of horizontal boards placed in a stud bay for a solid T wall and sometimes corner wall connection | |
LayoutLayout is the regular placement of studs in a wall, floor, roof, or ceiling framing. Common layout patterns are 12”, 16”, and 24” on center | |
Loadbearing wallA loadbearing wall is a wall supporting any vertical load in addition to its own weight. These walls must include special framing details like structural headers for rough openings and a double top plate | |
O.C.O.C. or on center is even spacing of studs in a wall or other parts in a ceiling or floor by measuring to the center of each component. | |
On centerOn center refers to the process of placing studs or other framing members centered on a specific repeated spacing in a wall (like 12”,16”, 24”). Sometimes expressed as "O.C." | |
Panel breakA panel break is where the outside edge of a sheet good material will land on framing when the stud layout is correct. Panel breaks on layout usually fall on the centerline of a stud | |
Rough openingA rough opening is the four sided open space formed in a wall
panel with its edges are defined by the header, jack studs, and sill (window).
Usually built larger than the door or window that will be placed in it. | |
Sandwich headerA sandwich header is asolid structural site made beam made of layers of material such as lumber and OSB laminated together to span over a rough opening | |
SheathingSheathing is panel materials fastened to the exterior of a building to add shear strength to the framing and/or help enclose the structure | |
Shoe plateA shoe plate is the lower continuous horizontal wall framing component that holds the studs in place at the floor. Also referred to as a bottom plate or a sole plate | |
SillThe sill is the lower horizontal board that defines the bottom edge of a window rough opening | |
Single-ply headerA single-ply header is a configuration that uses a single layer of material as a header pushed to the front or back face of the rough opening. Additional framing is required to complete the rough opening | |
Sole plateA sole plate is the lower continuous horizontal wall framing component that holds the studs in place at the floor. Also referred to as a bottom plate or a shoe plate | |
SpanSpan is the length of a beam, header, or other component or more specifically the distance it travels as it bridges from one side of and opening to another | |
Span ratingSpan rating is a panel specification used to determine the stud layout needed to adequately support the sheathing material. Larger span ratings allow for greater stud spacings | |
Staggered blockingStaggered blocking alternates high and low block placement along a center line for end nailing of blocks on both sides | |
Staggered seamsStaggered seams are vertical joints shifted along framing members on layout to be non-continuous and dispersed along a wall, floor, or roof surface for the purpose of strength and/or aesthetics | |
Straight blockingStraight blocking aligns blocks placed in a straight line requiring toenailing of one end of each block | |
StudA stud is a general term used for anyvertical framing component found in a wall frame that is often weight bearing and falls on layout. Also see common stud, jack stud, king stud, end stud, cripple stud | |
Stud bayA stud bay is the open space that exists between two studs within a wall frame | |
Three stud cornerA 3 stud corner is an energy efficient corner design with an accessible void for insulating. Also referred to as a California corner | |
Through wallA through wall is the longer wall in a corner connection that the butt wall terminates into. This wall defines the outside corner of a room or building | |
Top cripplesTop cripples areshort partial studs that travel from the top of the header in a rough opening to the top plate while following the stud layout pattern of the wall | |
Top plateA top plate is an upper continuous wall framing component that holds the studs in place at the top of the wall | |
Trimmer studA trimmer stud is a partial-length stud that serves as a stilt or brace underneath each end of a header. Installed in pairs and fastened to the king studs, these define the left and right inside dimensions of the rough opening. Also referred to as a jack stud | |
45 degrees45 degrees is an angle created when 90 degrees is divided in half | |
90 degrees90 degrees is an angle created when two lines are square or perpendicular to each other | |
AlignTo align is to place or arrange things in a straight line. | |
ArcAn arc is a partial sweep of a circle’s perimeter from it’s center | |
AxisAn axis is a fixed reference line often for a measurement | |
Belt clipThe belt clip is a convenient hook for storing a tape measure | |
BendA bend is a measurement method for two inside corners – not as accurate as other methods | |
BladeThe blade is along steel strip wound into the tape measure case marked with measured units; A blade is a simple flat metal edge tool with a handle used to apply spackle and level out surface defects. Also called a spackle knife | |
Blade lockThe blade lock is a built in hands-free feature used to hold the blade while extended | |
Box levelA box level is alarger and longer style of level. 2’, 3’,4’,6’ are common lengths | |
Bubble levelA bubble level is a device that can measure the condition of plumb or level using a small vial filled with oil and a floatingbubble for reference | |
Burn an inchTo burn an inch means to shift a tape measure over for a more accurate method of measuring. The measurement starts at 1 inch or 10 inches and expects the user to subtract that amount at the end for the true dimension | |
Crow's footA crow’s foot is a ‘V’ shaped mark used to transfer a measurement accurately from the tape measure to the material | |
FenceThe fence is a raised edge on a speed square that rests against the material being marked for accurate reference. | |
FlushFlush is when two surfaces or edges are in perfect alignment. | |
FootA foot is a larger standard unit of measure that is equivalent to 12 inches | |
FractionA fraction is some specific part of a whole. For inches a fraction is expressed as ½, 1/4 , 1/8, or 1/16 | |
Guide notchesGuide notches are aspeed square feature that assists in drawing lines that are parallel to the fence edge | |
HookThe hook is the bent metal precision part at the beginning of a tape measure that represents zero | |
Improper fractionAn improper fraction is one in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, (ex 5/4). | |
LevelLevel means perfectly horizontal relative to the earth’s gravity | |
MatteMatte is a term to describe a paint sheen with a no gloss finish. Also called “flat” | |
O.C.O.C. or on center is even spacing of studs in a wall or other parts in a ceiling or floor by measuring to the center of each component. | |
ParallelParallel is a term used to describetwo side by side lines that run the same direction and are exactly the same distance apart everywhere | |
PermanencePermanence is the state or quality of lasting | |
PerpendicularPerpendicular is two lines, planes or surfaces that meet at a right angle or 90 degrees to each other | |
Pivot pointA pivot point is the location where the fence meets the ruler edge on a speed square. The tool is rotated on this point for measuring angles | |
PlumbPlumb is the condition of being perfectly vertical relative to the earth’s gravity | |
Plumb bobA plumb bob is aheavy pointed object attached to the end of a string that hangs straight down to determine a perfectly vertical or plumb line | |
Pull measurementA pull measurement is made by placing the blade hook on an edge, extended the blade from the case and taking a measurement under tension | |
Push measurementA push measurement is made by pressing the hook end of the blade into an object, extending the blade, and using standout of the blade to take an accurate measurement | |
ReelThe reel is a spool on which a string line can be wound around inside of a chalk line | |
Right angleA right angle is a90-degree angle that is considered perpendicular and ‘square’ | |
SquareSquare is the condition of two lines or planes that forming a 90 degree angle relative to each other | |
StandoutStandout is theability of a tape measure blade to remain straight and extend out on its own, unsupported | |
TapeThe tape of a tape measure is along steel strip wound into the case marked with measured units . Also called a blade | |
TensionTension is the state of being pulled and stretched tight. | |
Torpedo levelA torpedo level is a mini pocket level usually shorter than 12” | |
VialA vial is a sealed fluid filled cylinder with a bubble trapped inside that is precision mounted in a level to accurately read the condition of level and plumb | |
ActuatorThe actuator is the part of a caulk gun that moves the plunger forward | |
AdhesionAdhesion is the ability for a material to stick to a surface | |
Air dryTo air dry is the hardening process of a material that depends on the air or solvent in the mix to evaporate completely | |
AlkydAlkyd is the synthetic resin used in oil-based paints. | |
Back rollingBack rolling is the process of applying a roller over a brushed or
sprayed area to add a uniform texture | |
Backer rodBacker
rod is a foam strip used to fill larger cracks prior to caulking | |
BeadA bead is a line of caulk applied to a joint or seam | |
BinderBinder is the paint component that serves as the glue for all of the other paint ingredients and once dried, forms the solid material that holds the pigment in place and makes up the paint layer. Also called “resin” | |
Blade pressedTo
blade pressed is to applymasking tape with pressure from a 5 in 1 tool
to better seal the tape edge | |
BleedBleed is a painting defect where paint leaks behind the tape edge producing a less than perfect paint line | |
BristlesBristles are thin strands of different materials that make up the brush head and allow it to absorb and transfer paint | |
BrushA brush is a painter’s precision hand tool for applying
paint | |
Brush combAbrush combis a painter’s tool for thorough brush cleaning | |
Brush headThe brush head is the working area of the brush made of multiple bristles or filaments that carries and distributes the paint | |
Brush spinnerA brush spinner is a painter’s tool for proper brush care and water removal | |
burnish is to dimple or lower a high spot on a surface by pushing with the end
of a spackle knife | |
CarriageThe carriage is a part of a caulk gun that holds the caulk cartridge firmly; sometimes called the cradle or frame | |
CarrierThe carrier is the liquid component of the paint that allows the solids to mix and flow and be applied in a film. The carrier dries or evaporates to leave a hardened paint coat | |
CartridgeThe cartridge is a round tube with a pointed end used to hold and distribute caulk | |
CaulkCaulk is a type of sealant used to fill a crack, seam or joint
to improve its appearance or make it watertight | |
Caulk gunA caulk gun is a simple tool that holds caulk cartridges for applying precision beads to joints and seams | |
CradleThe cradle is a part of a caulk gun that holds the caulk cartridge | |
CrepeCrepe is small wrinkles in the tape that allows tape to flex and conform to irregularities in the surface | |
cure is a chemical process activated by the addition of a catalyst to a paint
or other material to harden it within a specific time – a different process than air
drying | |
cut is the sharpness or ability of an abrasive to remove material | |
Cut inTo cut in is abrushing
process that makes a clean painted line around all trim and edges prior to
rolling | |
DefoamerA defoamer
is a specially formulated additive to break down and release bubbles suspended in paint | |
DimpleA dimple is an indented spot that is lower than the surface level ready for filling (see burnish) | |
Drop clothA drop cloth is a heavy cloth tarp used to protect floors and furniture during the painting process | |
Dry paint filmDry paint film is the layer of paint solids that remains when the carrier evaporates from the paint | |
Dry rollingDry rolling is applying paint with a roller that has little or no paint left in it producing thin uneven coats | |
Dual actionDual-action is another name for “random orbital” | |
Edge sealingEdge sealing is a masking process where a sealer is applied over the tape edge to help prevent paint bleed | |
ElasticityElasticity is the ability of a material to stretch while still staying adhered to a surface | |
is a durable surface coating that is very abrasion and chemical resistant. This
specialized paint usually requires a hardener additive that cures the paint
rather than air drying | |
Extension poleAn extension pole is anadjustable handle for longer reach while using a roller | |
FeatherTo feather is aroller or brush technique that requires a lift at the end of a stroke to taper the paint on a wet edge | |
FerruleA ferrule is a metal band used to fasten the bristles to the handle of a paint brush | |
FilamentsFilaments are synthetic bristles made of nylon or polyester usually pointed or tipped to produce a better finish | |
is a material used to level a small hole or void in a surface | |
Film buildFilm
build is theability of a paint to achieve thickness during application
without sagging or dripping | |
Finish coatThe
finish coat is the final paint layer formulated to provide the desired surface
color, sheen, texture, level of durability, and protection | |
FlashingFlashing surface variations caused by the difference of underlying materials below the top coat and how the finish paint takes to differences in the surface | |
is a term used to describe a paint
sheen with a no gloss finish. Also called “matte” | |
is the ability for the paint to level out and heal when
being applied for an even finish | |
GlossGloss is a term used to describe the highest sheen for paint which has more shine than semi-gloss | |
GritGrit is thelevel of abrasion of the sandpaper surface – higher number means a finer smoother finish can be achieved and lower numbers produce a rougher finish | |
Hand pressedHand-pressed is a masking process where the tape is sealed with hand pressure only – not best practice | |
Hand sandingHand sanding is a manual sanding process using only sandpaper or sanding blocks or sponges. This is a slower method good for small details or intricate shapes and surfaces | |
HEPAHEPA or High Efficiency Particulate Air
or HEPA is a designation used to describe filters that are able to trap 99.97
percent of particles that are 0.3 microns | |
Hook and loopHook and loop is a mechanical fastening system that does not require adhesive (the technical name for “Velcro”) | |
is alooser roller cover fabric backing. Holds more paint but yields
less of a smooth finish than woven covers | |
LadderA ladder is an important tool to assist in reaching heights above the
normal level of reach | |
LatexLatex is a paint
category that uses water as the liquid carrier. Remains water soluble until it has fully dried | |
LevelingLeveling is the process of creating a flat fill over an indented area that cannot be seen by the eye or felt with a hand. Leveling is also a flow aspect of paint that allows the applied paint film to flatten out to a consistent finish while wet | |
LoadingLoading is the specific
process of adding paint to a brush or roller before applying it to a surface | |
Machine sandingMachine
sanding is a faster sanding process using specialized machines to hold the sandpaper and work the surface. This method is good for large areas, production
work, and a more consistent finish | |
MaskerA masker is a hand tool that loads and dispenses tape and masking plastic or paper rolls quickly for production prep work | |
MaskingMasking is a prep process where tape and plastic or paper sheets are used to protect areas that do not receive paint | |
Masking tapeMasking tape is a roll of adhesive paper or plastic used to prevent
paint from being applied to certain areas | |
NapNap is the fibers attached to a roller cover. Comes in different lengths for coating different surfaces. Another term for “pile” | |
Nap sizeNap size refers to the length of fibers on a roller cover. Also called pile height | |
NozzleThe nozzle is the pointed
end of a caulk cartridge that the bead flows from | |
NylonNylon is a bristle material suited for latex paint application which is softer and more absorbent than polyester | |
Oil-basedOil-based paint is a category of paint that includes Alkyds and Enamels and uses oil as a liquid carrier instead of water. Also requires chemical solvents for cleanup | |
OverbrushingOverbrushing is an overlapping brush technique that allows the paint to begin to dry before leveling. This method produces obvious visible brush strokes and paint defects | |
Paint trayA paint tray is a special container to help load a roller with paint for application | |
Paint Tray WellThe Paint Tray Well is the deep end of a paint tray that holds the bulk of the paint. | |
Painter's tapePainter’s tape is special tape used for masking that offers extended-release time | |
PigmentPigment is a paint component that determines the color of the finished surface. Often made of ground metal compounds like “iron or titanium oxide” | |
PilePile is the fibers attached to a roller cover. Another term for “nap” | |
PlasticizerA plasticizer is a paint additive that promotes better flexibility of the film coat | |
PlungerThe plunger is the part
of a caulk gun that applies pressure to the end of the caulk tube | |
PolyesterPolyester is a bristle material suited for latex paint application that is firmer than nylon but less absorbent and harder to clean | |
PolyurethanePolyurethane is a tough clear finish coat that can be oil or water based which is more resistant to water, solvents, abrasion, and impacts than traditional varnish | |
Power ratingA power rating for a
caulk gun is the number given related to the mechanical advantage built into
the tool. Typically expressed as a ratio ex – (1:10 ) | |
PrepPrep or “prepping” is the process of making a surface or area ready for painting | |
PrimerPrimer is a prep coat for raw surfaces that acts as an adhesive layer for the paint. Primers can also work as fillers and surface sealers and always need a top finish coat applied | |
PushrodThe pushrod is the part of a caulk gun that connects the plunger head to the trigger; also is used to open the plunger fully for easy loading | |
RakeThe rake is the section of a paint tray where a roller is properly loaded. Sometimes referred to as the “ramp” | |
Raking lightRaking light is the placement of a light source at an extreme angle to a surface to help emphasize defects | |
RampThe ramp is the section of a paint tray where a roller is properly loaded. Sometimes referred to as the “rake” | |
Random orbitalRandom orbital is a sanding action that slowly spins a circular sanding disk while simultaneously using an orbital action to help prevent swirl marks | |
RattailA rattail is a pointed thin long brush handle style best for detail painting | |
Release timeRelease time is the estimated time to remove tape with no adhesive residue left behind | |
Roller coverA
roller cover is a fabric-covered tube used to apply paint to walls and other
large surfaces | |
Roller frameA roller frame is a part of a roller system that holds the roller cover and allows it to spin freely | |
Rosin paperRosin paper is a heavy paper roll that can be used for floor protection – usually pink in color | |
SandpaperSandpaper is special paper with an abrasive layer attached to one side for smoothing and leveling surfaces in preparation for painting | |
Sash brushA sash brush is a detail brush (usually with an angled bristle head) for cutting in and other fine brush work. Sometimes called a “trim” or “cut in” brush | |
is a term used to describe amedium gloss sheen. It is duller than
semigloss with more shine than eggshell | |
SealerSealer is a type of primer that seals and protects the surface material being coated. | |
SeamA seam is aline or gap where two surfaces meet that requires caulking. Often has a level change or corner edge to it | |
SemiglossSemigloss is a medium gloss sheen. Duller than gloss but more shine thansatin | |
Set timeSet
time is the amount of working time before a setting compound hardens and loses
its workability | |
ShastaA shasta is a classic distinctive contoured brush handle favored for larger brushes | |
SheathA sheath is a protective cover for a tool or brush – usually tool-specific used to protect the tool or user while being stored | |
SiliconizedSiliconized in a terms used to describe caulk products that are mainly latex based with a certain amount of silicon added in to improve its workability, durability, and elasticity | |
SleeveA sleeve is another term used for a roller cover | |
SolidsSolids are paint ingredients that are left behind after the carrier evaporates. This element in the paint forms the hardened protective paint film | |
SolventSolvent is a liquid in an oil-based paint that the solids are dissolved in to allow a paint film coat to be applied. The paint coat hardens by the evaporation of the solvent | |
SpackleSpackle is a prep step
where holes and voids are leveled with filler. Derived
from a German word meaning “filler” | |
Spackle knifeA spackle knife is a flat and flexible knife for scraping and filling defects on the surface. Also called a Blade or Putty knife | |
SpinnerA spinner is a tool for removing water from a brush or roller cover after washing | |
Stain blockerStain blocker is a type of primer that works as a barrier to prevent discolorations in the surface material from leaching into the finish coat layer. Also called a “sealer” | |
StippleStipple is the texture created by a rolled paint application. Can appear subtle or extreme based on the nap characteristics | |
substrate is a base surface material or layer that is being worked | |
Swirl marksSwirl
marks are a sanding defect identified by regular circular or arced lines in a sanded
surface produced from a spinning circular disk | |
Tape bleedTape bleed happens when paint seeps past a taped edge producing a less than clean paint edge | |
TarpA tarp is a large cloth or plastic sheet
used for protecting areas while prepping for paint | |
Thumb releaseThe thumb release is the part of a caulk gun that removes pressure from the plunger when the gun is not in use | |
Tie coatA tie coat is a specially engineered transition coat from the primer to the finish coat. Also called a“bonding primer” | |
ToolingTooling is the process of working a material with a tool to achieve a certain finish | |
ToothTooth is the roughness of a surface produced by sanding that promotes adhesion of coatings | |
TriggerThe trigger is the part of a caulk gun that takes finger pressure to move the push rod and plunger forward | |
UniformityUniformity is theoverall consistency of the appearance of a paint coat | |
UnloadTo unload is the process of paint transfer from a properly loaded brush or roller to the target surface before distribution and finish | |
UrethaneUrethane is a paint created by mixing pigment with polyurethanes. This paint type is good for exterior use and can be applied over oil-based enamels. | |
ViscosityViscosity isa measure of how thick a fluid is and how well it flows | |
VOCVOCs are “Volatile Organic Compounds” or vapors emitted from a material that are man-made or naturally occurring that can have long term health effects from exposure | |
Wall brushA wall brush is a high volume brush type for painting walls and other large flat surfaces | |
Water-basedWater-based refers to paint or other chemical compound that has water
as the main ingredient for viscosity | |
Wet edgeA wet
edge is the workablearea where paint has just been applied to a surface
where overlap can occur without overbrushing | |
WorkabilityWorkability is how well the material can be tooled to a proper finish before it begins to dry or set | |
is one process used to attach fibers to a roller cover that provides a denser nap
than a knitted roller. This type of roller holds less paint than knitted but
yields a finer finish | |
X paperX paper is heavier reusable rolls of floor protection material
| |
DimensionA dimension is a measurable distance of some kind, such as length, width, depth, or height. | |
Elevation viewAn elevation view is a view of a building seen from one side, a flat representation of only one face. This is the most common view used to describe the external appearance of a building. | |
Extension linesExtension lines are drawn to clarify the exact starting and ending points to which dimension lines refer | |
FloorplanA floorplan is a specific type of plan view from above showing the arrangement of walls and rooms at a particular level of a building | |
LinesLines are drawing features of different types and thicknesses used to indicate the built structure and specific components of a building | |
NotesNotes are text-based enhancements of built components or systems to clarify an aspect or feature. These often include abbreviations to save space | |
Plan viewPlan view is a view of a building from directly above. Also called aerial view or bird’s eye view. | |
ScaleScale is the amount of reduction from actual size that a building is drawn to. Expressed as a ratio (Ex. ¼” = 1’) | |
Section viewSection view is aview showing an interior area or hidden part of a building by cutting away or removing layers of the structure. Also called a cutaway. | |
SymbolA symbol is a simpler mark, character, or drawing used as a substitute to represent a more complex actual object. | |
TopographyTopography is a series of contour lines on a site plan made to represent rises or falls in elevation of the actual site | |
ABSABS is black plastic pipe used in plumbing for drain, waste, and vent pipes. | |
BasinA basin is a bowl for washing which is typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply and a drain line for removing wastewater | |
Cast ironCast ironis a material used in plumbing for drain, waste, and vent pipes and fittings. It is a very dense, long-lasting, and heavy material that deadens the sound of water passing through it | |
CleanoutA cleanoutis an access port in a trap or drain pipe that provides access for clearing an obstruction. | |
CouplingA couplingis
a special straight fitting used to join two ends of pipe in a straight line | |
CPVCCPVC (Chlorinated PolyVinyl Chloride) is a plastic supply line material that can handle water temperatures up to 200F | |
DrainA drain is a continuously open fitting for collecting and removing wastewater | |
ElbowAn elbow is an angular
fitting used to change the direction of a pipe. | |
Emory clothEmory clothis an abrasive sandpaper roll used for sanding and prepping copper pipe ends. | |
End capAn end cap is a fitting used to seal the end of a pipe or tube | |
FixtureA fixture is a device that accepts wastewater or discharges fresh water ( i.e.- faucets, sinks, toilets, tubs) | |
FluxFlux is an acid paste used when soldering copper pipes and fittings which is applied before soldering to aid bonding and flow of the solder | |
Hose bibA hose bib is a water supply valve with a threaded male connector for connecting a washing machine or exterior hose. | |
IDID or Inside Diameter is the inside dimension of a round pipe or tube | |
LavatoryA lavatory is a sink or washbasin in a bathroom | |
Nail plateA nail plate is a protective steel plate fastened to framing to protect a pipe or tube from damage from being pierced by a fastener | |
O-ringAn O-ring is a rubber washer that is round in profile instead of flat. Used in valve stems and push-on fittings to create a watertight seal | |
ODOD orOutside Diameter is the outside dimension of a round pipe or tube | |
PEXPEX or Crosslinked Polyethylene tubing is a flexible plastic water supply line that is uses special slip in fittings and bands or rings to seal | |
Pipe joint compoundPipe joint compound is a thick paste applied to pipe threads to create a water-tight seal at threaded joints. Sometimes call pipe dope | |
Pipe strapPipe strap isspecial hardware used to secure plumbing lines to framing | |
PotablePotable is a term used for water that is suitable for drinking | |
PVCPVC is a white plastic pipe used for supply lines and also drain, waste and vent pipes. | |
PVC cementPVC cement is a chemical solvent-based glue used to weld PVC pipe and fittings together | |
PVC primerPVC primer is a solvent-basedchemical used to clean and soften plastic pipe and fittings before the glue is applied. Typically purple in color | |
ReducerA reduceris a special fitting that enables a decrease in pipe size | |
ScheduleA schedule is a designation for how thick the wall is for a pipe. Higher schedule numbers meaning a thicker wall. The most common schedules are Sch 40 and Sch 80, but the actual wall thickness varies depending on the size of the pipe. | |
Shutoff valveA shutoff valveis a service valve installed under sinks and toilets used to stop the flow of water in a supply line in the event of a malfunction or repair. | |
SlopeA slope is the pitch or drop of a drainpipe to achieve a downhill slant for the proper removal of wastewater in a plumbing system. The typical slope of drains is ¼” per linear foot of drain line | |
SolderSolder is a metal alloy with a low melting point used to join copper and brass pipe and fittings. Also the act of melting solder into a joint | |
SweatTo sweat is the process of sealing and connecting copper and brass fittings with flux, solder, and heat from a torch | |
SweepA sweep is a pipe bend fitting used in drains to permit smooth passage of wastewater and waste. | |
TeeA tee is a fitting which allows three pipe ends to meet in the shape of a ‘T’. | |
Teflon tapeTeflon tape is a flexible wrap with non-stick properties which is wound around pipe threads to create a water-tight seal of a male pipe end in a female fitting | |
UnionA union is a special straight line fitting used to connect and seal two ends of a pipe or tube. The multi-threaded connection allows for future disassembly | |
ValveA valve is a plumbing device that regulates the flow of water | |
Water hammerWater hammeris the hydraulic shock that happens when water pressure within a plumbing circuit changes suddenly causing vibration and movement in the pipes and fittings of a plumbing circuit. | |
WyeA wye is a fitting with three openings that connects two drain lines together in the shape of a “y” | |
Air exhaust portAn air exhaust port on a nail gun is the location where air escapes after the tool is fired | |
Air filterAn air filter is a replaceable device for cleaning air as it enters the
compressor | |
Air inletAn air inlet port is the location on a pneumatic tool where pressurized air enters the tool | |
Air outletThe air outlet of a compressor is a connection point for the hose at air compressor | |
Brad nailerAbrad nailer is a type of nailer for driving 18 gauge nails | |
Coil nailerA coil nailer is a type of nailer used for roofing, siding, and fencing that
uses fasteners that are spiral collated with large head nails | |
Collated nailsCollated nails are fasteners held together in a series with plastic or wire strips | |
Condensation drain valveThe condensation drain valve is a valve at the bottom of tank for draining of moisture that collects | |
Driver depth adjustmentThe driver depth adjustment is an adjustable wheel that sets fastener
penetration depth on a nailer | |
Finish nailerA finish nailer is a tool for driving 15 gauge angle collated nails | |
Framing nailerA framing nailer is a pneumatic tool used for driving 8d to 16d angle collated nails | |
GallonA gallon is the liquid volume measurement indicating tank size of a compressor | |
HoseA hose is a flexible tube that connects compressor to air tool and carries pressurized air for use | |
MagazineThe magazine is the spring loaded chamber of a nailer for holding a supply of collated nails to be fed automatically into the gun | |
MotorThe motor is an electric or fuel powered compressor component that moves a piston in a cylinder to produce the compressed air | |
Multi fire settingThe multi fire setting on a nail gun allows multiple sequential nails to leave the gun with the trigger held each time the safety tip is pressed to the surface | |
Nail gaugeNail gauge is the measure of the wire or shank thickness of a pneumatic nail. Smaller gauge = thicker nail | |
ON/off switchThe on/off switch is an electric switch that supplies current to the automatic shutoff stage of a compressor | |
Palm nailerA palm nailer is a pneumatic tool used for easier nailing in confined spaces and driving various single nails with heads | |
Pancake compressorA pancake compressor is a small, flattened, cylindrical type of portable compressor. | |
Pin nailerA pin nailer is an pneumatic tool for driving 23 gauge collated pins | |
PneumaticPneumatic is a term used to describe tools operated by air or gas under pressure. | |
Pressure gaugeA pressure gauge is a device with a dial and a needle which visually indicates tank and air outlet pressure – usually in PSI | |
Pressure regulatorThe pressure regulator of an air compressor is a device which controls outlet tool pressure to the hose | |
Pressure relief valveThe pressure relief valve is a safety backup device which relieves excessive tank pressure over a certain PSI in the case of equipment failure | |
PSIPSI or Pounds per Square Inch is a unit used to measure air pressure where the pressure is measured against a 1” x 1” portion of the tank’s container wall | |
Quick connectorsQuick connectors are male or female fittings found on compressor outlets, tool and hose ends that attach to each other to make air tight connections without the need for tools | |
Safety tipThe safety tip of a nail gun is a feature of an air nailer that must be pressed to a surface before the gun will fire | |
SCFMSCFM or Standard Cubic Feet per Minute is a measurement of the maximum volume of air a specific compressor can deliver while running. Typically given with a PSI number as well (ex. 2.6 SCFM @ 90PSI) | |
Single fire settingThe single fire setting on an air nailer is a setting that allows only one fastener to leave the gun with each pull of the trigger | |
Single tank compressorA single tank compressor is a portable compressor type with one storage tank | |
StaplerA stapler is a pneumatic tool for driving 18-22 gauge collated staples | |
Strap nailerA strap nailer is a pneumatic tool fordriving teco nails into metal strap hardware | |
TankThe tank of a compressor is a steel walled storage container for holding the pressurized air | |
Tool oilTool oil is special oil used for internal lubrication of pneumatic tools | |
Twin tank compressorA twin tank compressor is a portable compressor type with two storage tanks | |
ArborThe arbor is the threaded motor shaft on a saw to which a circular blade is fastened | |
Base plateThe base plate of a saw is a flat saw surface that makes contact with the material being cut and helps keeps the tool under control | |
BevelA bevel is a type of cut where the blade is tilted left or right from a standard vertical postition. | |
Bevel adjustment leverThe bevel adjustment lever is a locking lever adjustment that allows the base plate of a saw to tilt side to side for making angled bevel cuts | |
BindingBinding is ahazardous condition when cutting unsupported materials where pinching occurs at the blade causing it to not move freely during a cut | |
Blade clampA blade clamp is a feature that holds the blade firmly in the saw. | |
Blade depth adjustment leverThe
blade depth adjustment lever is a locking lever on a saw that allows the base
plate to be raised and lowered to expose more (or less) of the blade for
cutting materials of different thickness | |
Blade guardThe blade guard is a safety feature of a saw that covers the spinning blade when not in use and moves out of the way as material is passed through it | |
Blade height adjustmentThe blade height adjustment of a table saw uses a wheel to raise and lower the blade relative to the table surface to cut through different material thicknesses | |
Compound angleA compound angle is a miter angle and a bevel angle combined into one cut | |
Compound miter sawA compound miter saw is a fixed base saw with hinged motor and blade for precise square and angled cuts in materials | |
Cross cutA
cross cut is a type of cut that is made over the width of the material or board face that
travels across the grain of the wood | |
Cross hand cuttingCross hand cutting is adangerous hand position where the arms cross each other during a cut with a miter saw | |
Cut guide notchesCut
guide notches are features of a saw that are usually stamped or marked on the
front of the base plate that aid in lining up a cut when the bevel angle is set
to either 0 degrees or 45 degrees. | |
Direct-drive sawA direct-drive saw
is a type of circular sawwhere the blade is directly connected to the shaft
of the saw motor. Sometimes referred to as a “sidewinder” | |
Double bevel compound miter sawA double bevel compound miter saw is a compound miter saw with a bevel angle adjustment in two directions (left or right) | |
Dust bagA dust bag is a receptacle for saw dust that attaches to the tool | |
Fence lockA fence lock is a saw featureused to clamp the fence tight to the table to prevent movement once it is in position for a cut | |
Fixed blade guardThe fixed blade guard of a saw is the section of the blade guard that does not retract or move during a cut but offers user protection from the blade during a cut | |
Jig sawA jig saw is avariable speed handheld saw with
a flat base is used to cut curves out of material using a small straight
reciprocating blade | |
KerfKerf is the notch made when material is lost during a cut. The width of this notch is relative to the blade tooth width. | |
KickbackKickback is a safety hazard that causes violent and sudden bucking of a saw or ejecting of material from the saw at high speed towards the user – see “Binding” | |
Kickback arrestorA kickback arrestor is a safety feature on a table saw that only allows the material to move front to back when cutting, thus preventing the material being thrown forward during a cut | |
Long strokeThe long stroke is the fully extended position of the saw blade as it reciprocates | |
MiterA miter is an angle cut made with the broad face of the board lying flat on the base of a miter saw and the vertical blade pivoted left or right to form an angle | |
Miter angle gaugeA miter angle gauge indicates the angle a miter saw is set to. Usually from 0 to up to 45 or more degrees. | |
Miter gaugeA miter gauge is a saw feature that allows for crosscuts in the material on a saw made for rip cuts | |
Miter latchA miter latch is a catch that automatically clicks into predetermined angles on a miter saw, like 0 and 45 degrees. | |
Moveable blade guardThe movable blade guard is a safety feature of a saw that covers the spinning blade when not in use and moves out of the way as material is passed through it | |
Orbital action adjustmentThe
orbital action adjustment is a dial to set more or less circular motion to the
cutting action of a reciprocating blade – more orbital motion = faster,
rougher, and more aggressive cut | |
Outfeed supportsOutfeed supports aresite made supports that hold the cutting material level, so it does not fall or bind during or after the cut. | |
Pivot arm lockThe pivot arm lock is apin that locks the pivot arm, motor, and blade assembly down into a compact and closed position on a miter saw | |
Pull strokeThe pull stroke is an upward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = shortest depth of cut | |
Push stickA push stick is a table saw safety accessory that keeps helps guide material through a cut while keeping the user’s hands at a safe distance from the blade | |
Push strokeThe push stroke is the downward motion of reciprocating blade travel during a cut = longest depth of cut | |
Rafter hookThe rafter hook is a foldable hook on side of the saw used for hanging the tool when not in use | |
ReciprocatingReciprocating is a back and forth action of a blade that moves in a straight line to make a cut. | |
Reciprocating sawA reciprocating saw is an aggressive saw that pushes and pulls a straight blade for rough cuts in wood and metal. Often used for demolition | |
Reverse threadA
reverse thread is bolt threading that tightens using a counterclockwise
direction which is the reverse of most standard threads | |
Rip cutA rip cut is a cut made by running the saw parallel to the wood grain or the long direction of the board | |
Riving knifeA riving knife is a safety feature on a table saw that is fixed just behind the spinning blade and is used to help prevent binding of material during a cut and also prevent kickback; It is sometimes called a “splitter” | |
Roller guideThe roller guide is agrooved roller bearing to help align the jigsaw blade and minimize blade flexing during the cut | |
Safety switchA safety switch is a special ON and OFF feature of a power tool that requires an extra step for turning ON and an easier one step or automatic OFF function. This special switch can prevent accidental operation and easier shutoff in case of an emergency. | |
ShoeA shoe is the foot of a ladder, usually has a non-slip surface like rubber or plastic for greater traction on hard surfaces. The shoe of a saw is the base of a reciprocating saw for support as it is held against the material while cutting | |
SidewinderA sidewinder is a type of circular sawwhere the blade is directly connected to the shaft
of the saw motor. Sometimes referred to as a direct-drive saw | |
Sliding compound miter sawA sliding compound miter saw is a compoundmiter saw with an added sliding action of the blade and motor for cross-cutting larger materials | |
splitter is a table saw safety device that helps prevent kickback and another
term for a riving knife | |
TableThe table is ahorizontal saw surface that supports the material
while being cut | |
Table locking knobTable locking knob is a feature that can be used to lock a miter saw table at any angle | |
Table sawA table saw is a saw with a motor and spinning blade mounted in a precision table with a fence guide and blade height and angle adjustments | |
Worm drive sawA worm drive saw is a saw where themotor is connected to the blade through a right angle gearbox which adds weight and extra torque to the tool. | |
ANSIThe American National Standards Institute or ANSI is an organization that sets safety standards for construction equipment | |
BaseThe base section is the fixedladder section that does not move on an extension ladder. It remains planted to the ground and supports the fly section | |
ChargeThe charge is thecontents of a fire extinguisher under pressure that smothers a flame when released. | |
Class AA Class A fire extinguisher type is suitable to treat fires from ordinary combustibles like wood, rubber, fabrics, and plastics | |
Class BA Class B fire extinguisher type is suitable to treat fires from flammable liquids and gases like gasoline, oils, paints, and lacquers | |
Class CA Class C fire extinguisher type is suitable to treat fires involving live electrical sources | |
CombustibleCombustible is a term to describematerial in a liquid or solid form that will ignite at a flashpoint of over 100 degrees | |
ConspicuityConspicuity is a term to describe something that is easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable and attracting special attention | |
Dermal absorptionDermal absorptionis the transport of a chemical from the outer surface of the skin through the skin and into the body | |
Duty ratingDuty rating is thetotal weight in pounds a ladder is designed to hold including a person and all tools and materials they are carrying | |
Extension ladderAn extension ladder is anadjustable lengthtwo part ladder type used to reach variable heights while leaned against a solid structure | |
Fall arrestFall arrest is asafety system that will stop a worker's fall before the worker hits the surface below | |
Fire exitA fire exit is a specially designated exit for fast evacuation required for any public or commercial building. It must be well marked and never blocked or obstructed. | |
Fire extinguisherA fire extinguisher is a special device required for fire control in an emergency. Designed to aid in creating a path for evacuation, not to fight a fire. | |
FlammableFlammable is a term used to describe a material in a liquid or solid form that will ignite at a flash point of under 100 degrees | |
Flash pointFlash point is thetemperature at which a particular material will ignite | |
Fly sectionThe fly section is themoving ladder section of an extension ladder that increases the ladder’s reach | |
FuelFuel is material in solid, liquid or gas form that will serve to sustain a fire once it is ignited | |
GuardrailA guardrail is ahorizontal protective member intended to prevent persons from passing beyond a given point on a scaffold system | |
HalyardA halyard is a specialrope installed on an extension ladder thatallows the user to extend the fly section from the ground easily | |
HazComHazCom is an abbreviation for Hazard Communication Standard which is a communication system that produces standards for labeling chemicals and SDS sheets with hazard information | |
Locking hingeA locking hinge is a specially designed pivoting component on an articulated ladder that automatically locks at each predetermined orientation (eg: fully closed for storing, A frame, and straight extension positions) | |
Locking spreadersLocking spreaders are devices on a step ladder for securely holding the front and rear rails apart | |
NIOSHNIOSH is an acronym for The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is an organization that sets standards for the manufacture of respirators and other PPE equipment | |
OutriggersOutriggers aresupport components of a scaffold that extends beyond the frame down to the ground to provide extra stability to the structure | |
ParticulateParticulate is very small airborne particles | |
PASSPASSis an acronym that stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep -a helpful way to remember method for effectively using a fire extinguisher | |
Pivoting feetThe pivoting feet of a ladder grip different types of ground and allow for minor corrections to make the ladder stable even when it is on not perfectly flat surfaces | |
PPEPPE isPersonal Protective Equipment that includes special safety-related gear designed to prevent a specific type of injury to the user | |
RailsRails are continuous structural ladder parts that hold the rungs in place | |
ReflectiveReflective is a term used to describe a material’s ability to gather surrounding light, focus it, and resend it without having any light source of its own | |
RespiratorA respirator is a breathing filter that separates the user from harmful airborne particulate, fumes, vapors or gases | |
RungA rungis a horizontal support on a ladder that serves as a support for a foot or a hand when ascending or descending | |
Rung locksRung locks or dogs secure the fixed and fly ladder sections together at whatever height is chosen | |
RungsRungs on a ladderserve as steps for ascending or descending | |
SDSSDS are Safety Data Sheets or product reports that include information such as the properties and ingredients of a specific material; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures when using; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the material | |
ShoeA shoe is the foot of a ladder, usually has a non-slip surface like rubber or plastic for greater traction on hard surfaces. The shoe of a saw is the base of a reciprocating saw for support as it is held against the material while cutting | |
Side railThe side rails of a ladder are vertical components which hold the steps or rungs together and provide structural strength to the whole assembly | |
Single ladderA single ladder is a non-self-supporting portable ladder that is fixed in length, consisting of one solid section with no moving parts. | |
SmolderSmolder is a term used to describe a fire that burns slowly and produces a large amount of smoke but no visible flame | |
Top capThe top cap is the very top component of a step ladder that provides a place for tools and small materials but does not serve as a step | |
VOCVOCs are “Volatile Organic Compounds” or vapors emitted from a material that are man-made or naturally occurring that can have long term health effects from exposure | |
ArgonArgon is a gas filled between glass panes to slow heat transfer through a window | |
CladTo clad is to wrap or cover exterior material over a core material to protect a window from weathering (usually vinyl, aluminum or fiberglass) | |
GlazingGlazing is a term used to describe the glass components of a window | |
InfraredInfrared is long wavelengths of radiation that transmits heat | |
KryptonKrypton is gas filled between glass panes to slow heat transfer through a window | |
Low E coatingA Low E coating is a glass surface treatment that reflects infrared and UV light while allowing visible light to pass through | |
MullionA mullion is a vertical structural divider that separates multiple windows in the same unit | |
PaneA pane isa separate defined glass area of a window | |
R-valueR value is a rating of a material and its ability to resist heat transfer (higher number = less heat transfer) | |
SashA sash is a movable or fixed section of a window that holds the glass | |
Sash lockA sash lock is a window component used to secure a movable sash in the window frame for security | |
TemperedTempered glass is a specialheat treated safety glass that shatters in small regular pieces when it breaks | |
U factorU factor is a rating of a material and its ability to transfer heat (lower number = less heat transfer) | |
UVUV or Ultraviolet radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is not visible to the eye but makes up 10% of sunlight. UV radiation is known for its ability to degrade and discolor materials over time | |
Weep holeA weep hole is a drain feature on a window that allows trapped water to exit | |
Window frameA window frame is a four-sided section of the window unit that holds the fixed or movable sashes | |
XenonXenon is a gas-filled between glass panes to slow heat transfer through a window | |